TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

Tropical North Queensland Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (TNQ Drought Hub)

The hub led by James Cook University (JCU) is supporting farmers and communities to become more drought resilient.

Building Resilience to Future Drought

Drought has significant impact on the wellbeing of people and communities across Tropical North Queensland.

Drought affects all industries but particularly Tropical North Queensland agriculture industries including beef, sugar, vegetable, dairy, citrus and tropical fruit.

The Australian Government is contributing $8 million over 4 years through the Future Drought Fund.  Hub partners are providing co-contributions of $18.5 million over 4 years.

Through the Hub, farmers, Indigenous landholders, communities, researchers and business have come together and co-designed approaches and solutions for drought resilience in Tropical North Queensland.

Building Resilience to Future Drought

Drought has significant impact on the wellbeing of people and communities across Tropical North Queensland.

Drought affects all industries but particularly Tropical North Queensland agriculture industries including beef, sugar, vegetable, dairy, citrus and tropical fruit.

The Australian Government is contributing $8 million over 4 years through the Future Drought Fund.  Hub partners are providing co-contributions of $18.5 million over 4 years.

Through the Hub, farmers, Indigenous landholders, communities, researchers and business have come together and co-designed approaches and solutions for drought resilience in Tropical North Queensland.

Problem Statement Capture Platform

We have established a platform to capture and map the issues that affect farming and agricultural industries directly from landholders.

Problem submissions can range from very individualised circumstances to broader, industry-relevant challenges.

Building Resilience to Future Drought

Drought has significant impact on the wellbeing of people and communities across Tropical North Queensland.

Drought affects all industries but particularly Tropical North Queensland agriculture industries including beef, sugar, vegetable, dairy, citrus and tropical fruit.

The Australian Government is contributing $8 million over 4 years through the Future Drought Fund.  Hub partners are providing co-contributions of $18.5 million over 4 years.

Through the Hub, farmers, Indigenous landholders, communities, researchers and business have come together and co-designed approaches and solutions for drought resilience in Tropical North Queensland.

"Influential Women" Community Leadership Forum

We are proud to be running our second Influential Women Leadership Forum in March for women within the Burdekin region.

This opportunity is for women who aspire to enhance their leadership skills, build confidence, and make a positive impact in their communities.

Governance Essentials course

Join the TNQ Drought Hub and Get on Board Australia for a comprehensive and interactive online Governance Essentials course that takes you through the principles of governance, duties and responsibilities, ethical decision-making and how to be a confident leader.

  • Grow your capacity as a leader
  • Take on a committee role on your community
  • Understand board frameworks, role requirements and risk management
  • Gain valuable insights into best practices from a governance professional

ESG on Farm: Are you ready?

We are developing educational materials to help support Australian producers, farmers and land managers understand the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework.

ESG is a framework that can help producers to address sustainability issues, enhance sustainability performance, increase resilience, reduce risks and create opportunities.

We are developing educational materials to help support Australian producers, farmers and land managers understand the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework.

ESG is a framework that can help producers to address sustainability issues, enhance sustainability performance, increase resilience, reduce risks and create opportunities.

Building Resilience to Future Drought

Drought has significant impact on the wellbeing of people and communities across Tropical North Queensland.

Drought affects all industries but particularly Tropical North Queensland agriculture industries including beef, sugar, vegetable, dairy, citrus and tropical fruit.

The Australian Government is contributing $8 million over 4 years through the Future Drought Fund.  Hub partners are providing co-contributions of $18.5 million over 4 years.

Through the Hub, farmers, Indigenous landholders, communities, researchers and business have come together and co-designed approaches and solutions for drought resilience in Tropical North Queensland.

The Hub is also building critical skills as a key input in building resilience to drought and leveraging new tools, approaches and technology.

Managing Rangelands for drought resilience

High resolution photos captured from drones can provide a wealth of information about the health and condition of a paddock, such as the amount and distribution of pasture and weeds,...


Node Members

Supporting the TNQ Drought Hub to provide solutions for drought resilience in Tropical North Queensland.

Hub Contact

Rachel Hay

Knowledge Broker